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Amplify your voice

Because all voices need to be heard

Let's amplify your voice!

The amplify your voice is for change-makers of all kinds. Impact entrepreneurs, freelancers, activists, pioneers, speakers and the like. Those who want to use their talents to catalyse positive change.


To be an effective changemaker, you need to have a clear message. During this pilot we will identify your voice and we will look for ways to let your voice be heard. We will clarify your mission, your key messages and what is the best way for you to communicate them to reach your audience and to have the impact that you want.


It will be a combination of different exercises and a one-on-one strategy sessions during which we will dive into the different questions, brainstorm together and make choices. In between the sessions you will have time to work on the exercises by yourself, reflect on your choices and ask questions or feedback through e-mail.


With your experience, expertise or background, you have all the knowledge about the themes that matter to you. On a deeper level, you know what the world needs. You have a vision, but you feel that your message can be stronger. And that there might be (other) ways to make your message more impactful.


During this first step of the Amplify your Voice Programme, we are taking a step back. Back to basics, to be able to determine what your voice actually is. What is the core of your message? On what values is this based? Is your daily life (still) in line with those values? What talents do you have and are you using those talents in the right way? 


At the end of this part you will have:

  • A clear view on what your values, role and talents are;

  • Why do you do the things you do? Does this still match your values and talents?

  • A formulated vision: what kind of world are you working towards?

  • A formulated theory of change / mission: how does everything you do contribute to your envisioned future.

  • A clear vision on how you use your talents and how you could use your talents 


When you have a clear view on your vision and key messages, we are diving into the way you are sharing your story with the world. What is the current story you’re telling? Does it fit your personality and in what ways does your message appeal to your target group or not? Does it have the envisioned impact? Where are the gaps between your current story and the story you actually want to tell? How can you tell your story in a different way, so that it has more impact?

We will dive deeper into your key messages and the themes you will be communicating about.


At the end of this part you will:

  • Know what you want to achieve and what message you need to spread to accomplish this.

  • Know what your target audience is and what they need

  • Know how you can ‘speak their language’ by the right kind of framing of your messages

  • Know how you can stimulate your audience to take action

  • Have a clear view on what distinguishes you from other change-makers

  • Have personal pitch, bio & one-liner


Now that you have found your voice and know how to reach your audience, it’s time to amplify it. How are you going to reach more people? And how are you going to do this, while making it sustainable for yourself? Which channels are the most impactful for you? How can you make a living from it? If relevant, we will have a look at your website, products & services and we will dive into storytelling techniques, psychology and how different choices in the way we communicate have a certain effect on how it is perceived.


By the end of this part

  • You know what impact you have and how you might be able to grow your impact

  • You know how to choose the right channel for your message and how to make it fit you as a person.

  • You will have all the tools and strategies to be able to grow the followers on your channels and to reach a much bigger audience.  

  • You will know how to choose the right assignments, projects and ideas

Anne van Geijn

(De Klimaatdokter)

"Door 'Amplify my voice' kan ik beter focus kiezen, heb ik helder voor ogen wie en wat ik wil bereiken en heb ik meer vertrouwen in wat ik doe. En dat heeft effect. Opdrachtgevers weten mij goed te vinden en zonder actieve acquisitie is mijn agenda goed gevuld met betaalde klussen die bijdragen aan mijn missie voor een mooiere wereld".



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